Facebook Gives Users More Control of Their News Feed

Facebook Gives Users More Control of Their News Feed

In an attempt to “give the people what they want”, Facebook announced a new update to the news feed for users. Individuals can now prioritize their news stories to show their friends, family and favorite pages before seeing stories from everyone else they follow. The...
Animating Facebook: Introducing GIFs

Animating Facebook: Introducing GIFs

Facebook keeps digital marketers on their toes, to say the least. New ways of reaching audiences are constantly surfacing or being redefined. The once photo-dominated platform is now responding more and more to video content. In fact, photos only reach half of the...
Google+ Splits into Photos, Streams, and Hangouts

Google+ Splits into Photos, Streams, and Hangouts

A significant announcement from Google was overshadowed last week in the wake of “the dress” debate that split social media conversations. According to WIRED, Google+ has finally met its imminent demise as a competitor for Facebook and Twitter and has announced its...