What hath Facebook wrought?

This weekend is my 20th high school reunion.  As the planning has heated up, many of my former classmates and I have been connecting on Facebook. We”ve been chatting back and forth, sharing old photos and catching up. Essentially, the reunion has been rolling...

What is content strategy?

So there”s this moment. It comes after someone dives into the deep end of the social media pool. They”ve got their accounts set up, a stylin” website and are ready to turn the Internet into their baby. Then it hits – what am I going to say?...

Opening day: Social media, Oklahoma and connections

Welcome to the first day of business for Smirk New Media, my step of faith into the world of independent consulting. Before I get into dispensing daily doses of social media on this blog, I just wanted the address what makes me hopeful about not just this business but...

What is Smirk New Media?

Smirk New Media is committed to becoming a leader in the community in helping businesses with new media and content strategy. Smirk New Media is Strategy, Measurement, Insight, Relationships and Kontent. Smirk New Media is Mike Koehler (@mkokc) and his strategic...