You can lead a horse to Google+

I think the most rarely asked question in communications strategy, whether digital or not, is this: How do you like to get your information. As consultants work with clients on engaging customers, pulling out the latest social media platforms, doo-dads, apps and...

Social media and scale

I had an interesting conversation with Scott Carter of the Journal Record the other day. He was doing a story on an online petition that was inspired by the Casey Anthony trial and had gathered more than a million virtual signatures. My answer to Scott is one I...

More thoughts on Google+

Lots of buzz (ironically?) continues to circle Google+ and its effectiveness as a social network. While I’m waiting to convinced, as well as waiting for a way to give it a place in my daily schedule, there has been some good analysis and opinions so far. Here...

Some thoughts on Google-Plus

So Google has taken the world by storm. Google says it already has about 10 million people signed up, sharing a billion of pieces of information in just a couple of weeks. My thoughts on the new platform. I like the idea of dividing your contact into circles, based on...


Smirk New Media is offering social media training on Tuesday, June 28 for big and small businesses, non-profits, churches and anyone interested in creating a community around their brand. The session, “Creating Customers With Social Media” will be held...


Some days you just have to be flexible. You might not want to bend, but your ability to wrap around a project like Plastic Man will give you an ability that’s strong in the world of communication. The ability to always say yes. Now this may sound like...