Black Prairie Bison
Brand Identity, Branding, Design, Photography
Through an ongoing full-service partnership, the Cheyenne and Arapaho Business Development Corporation asked Smirk to develop a brand identity for a new enterprise raising and selling premium bison products across the U.S. In executing the naming and branding of this new concept, our goal was to build a brand that embodied the strong history and cultural connection between the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes and bison.

Brand Naming & Visual Identity Development
Data-driven research is at the core of every Smirk service. Smirk considered and thoroughly vetted hundreds of brand name options. After extensive internal and external review with focus groups and Tribal leadership, the name Black Prairie Bison was selected. The prairie being “black with bison” is a historic sign of prosperity for both Tribes, even today. From this name, Smirk created an entire brand story and visual identity.

Primary Logo:

Secondary Logos:

Color Scheme:

Your Title Goes Here
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Smirk Builds Better Brands
Bring your vision to life.
4 NE 10th Street, Suite #454
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 582-0766