So you”re walking the walk on social media, updating like crazy, replying, retweeting, following and DMing.

You”re wishing people “Good Morning”, suggesting links, following on Friday. Everything right down the Twittertown checklist.

But what do those updates mean?

I”ve been thinking a lot about the impact of the effectiveness what you say online and your real reputation.

If you send a strategic link at 2 a.m., does that really work? What about 4 a.m.?

If you broadcast tips 10 times a day, is that effective? What about 12 times? Or 20 times?

Are your spending more time tweeting about what you had for lunch than promoting your business? Are you tweeting about what you had to drink?

With each Tweet, Facebook update or YouTube video you post, think about the audience on the other end. It”s still possible, even with the best content, to annoy, bore and frustrate your readers.

There”s no magic formula. But there is thoughtfulness.
