Facebook Introduces Election Notification Updates

by | Oct 22, 2020 | Blog, Digital Advertising, Digital Strategy, Smirk's Take

In anticipation of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election next month, Facebook has announced a new set of notifications that will appear at the top of users’ home feeds providing updates with official poll information.

Taking Control of the Conversation

From the vote-counting process to projections on winners, the social media giant is dedicated to snuff any potential fires that may be set by false narratives. With this commitment to facts, Facebook hopes to quell valid fears of a presidential candidate utilizing their platform to declare a false victory or invalidate official results.


If a candidate or party declares premature victory before a race is called by major media outlets, we will add more specific information in the notifications that counting is still in progress and no winner has been determined.


A Pause on Paid Campaigns

Major brands leading a summer boycott against Facebook ads caused the platform to crack down on the spread of misinformation, resulting in a ban on political and social ads in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election.

You may be inclined to think that if you’re not a politician, the temporary ad ban won’t affect you. However, with Facebook casting such a wide net on what can be considered a social issue, your paid campaigns could still see a hit.

Navigating Your Q4 Social Presence

There’s a common misconception that the political pause will free up space for other kinds of advertisers on Facebook. Tread carefully — running campaigns during such a socially turbulent time could be perceived as tone deaf or irrelevant depending on what you’re broadcasting.


Politics over the next two weeks will most likely suck the oxygen out of the advertising space. There's a chance that your message could hit all of the wrong notes compared to what's going on in the real world. It might be a good time to park a wacky campaign and put extra consideration into the context of every piece of content you put out.

Mike Koehler
Smirk Founder & Chief Strategist

Moving Forward

Is your business struggling to traverse the advertising landscape during this high-pressure time? We’d love to consult with you. Connect with a Smirk team member this week.