Just because you’ve started a social media presence doesn’t mean customers will automatically find you. Generating leads with social media takes some work, but with strategy your lead generation online could take off. Let’s focus a little on how we generate leads and maximize exposure using social media.Pay attention
Listen when your industry, brand and competitors are mentioned. Set up searches for all three. Google alerts are a great way to keep up with discussions involving your brand online. Google will send you an e-mail when your brand is mentioned online. Still do specific searches on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Check daily for relevant discussions happening on each social site.Narrow your focus
When you figure out what people are talking about create and post content directed at those discussions. If people are asking questions you can answer, write a post or blog and direct it at them. Include keywords related to your industry or brand in headlines and tags. By tagging your post with hot topics, it’ll increase your search engine optimization(SEO). Comment on relevant blogs and reply to people discussing these topics with a link to content. Also, share content with followers on your different social channels.Break it down
We all want leads that result in new clients. To regularly bring in leads, we need to evaluate what tags and keywords generate the most traffic on your site or profiles. What topics generated responses? Did one social site generate more traffic than another? Use this information to set educated goals on what you want to accomplish with future social interaction. This could be increasing followers, hits or even sales. Experiment with what social strategy works best for your industry and public. Try different tactics and analyze what works best. If you follow through and commit to this process, you’ll see your leads increase.