Last Friday, I got the exciting opportunity to attend a simulcast of Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership event for small business owners.

Heh, it still gets me that I’m one of those. But for all of our chatter about social media gurus and experts and other hoo-ha, it’s easy to forget the business part of consulting.

When I dove headfirst into this venture a few months ago, I was relying on my faith and my network to get me through the initial steps, but after listening to Dave I realize that just as much time needs to be spent on establishing good business practices.

Success doesn’t come just because you want it to come. You have to work and hustle and have a plan.

Your plan has to be specific with measurable outcomes over a specific length of time.

Your business always has to be moving forward. Fixing issues that come up, but not dwelling on them. You have to be customer focused, as well as leaving room for your people – and God – to do great things.

Smirk New Media has already ready been so successful, so quickly that my head is spinning.

Now, thanks to Dave’s wisdom, lots of friends and lots of faith, we’re going to see where it goes.