Welcome to the first day of business for Smirk New Media, my step of faith into the world of independent consulting.

Before I get into dispensing daily doses of social media on this blog, I just wanted the address what makes me hopeful about not just this business but about new media, social networking and our real-life community.

As I led up to this decision, I prayed a lot — about what I had to offer people and what kind of support I would get. The answers kept pointing back to my network, both online and off.

When people ask me about who they should follow online, my answer is that you should follow someone who helps you in some way — through insightful posts, interesting information, offline friendship or potential business.

I’ve tried to turn the people I followed on Twitter into real flesh-and-blood relationships. I wanted to meet these folks, understand them and connect with them. If you were on a “twitter blind date” you know what I mean.

Those connections have really helped me in this transition. People have been encouraging, wise, helpful and hopeful. The honest reactions I’ve gotten from my network provide the firm footing underneath these next few steps for me and my family.

I think this is a unique Oklahoma phenomenon. Social media use in Oklahoma City is a reflection of the giving nature of our people and our community.

I want my business to reflect that community.

You’ll find me talking a lot about helping on this blog, because that’s our bottom line at Smirk. We want to help businesses, partners and our community succeed.

Thanks for being on this journey. Can’t wait to see where it goes.